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Carbon footprint calculation report of the company

David Podhůrský
per year 2021

Company David Podhůrský (IČO: 75914999) with headquarters in Štětínská 340/40 Praha had on 19. 9. 2024 a simplified report of its own carbon footprint for the year 2021 generated. The calculator for calculating the carbon footprint is managed by CI3 s.r.o. The responsibility for the correctness of the data is on the filling company's side.

Total Company carbon footprint is 196,0 t CO₂e (Scope 1, 2 a 3 by method Location based).

Vstupní data pro tento výpočet nebyla zkontrolována, provozovatel neručí za jejich správnost.

Division of emissions by Scopes

  • Scopelocation basedmarket based
  • Scope 177.870 t CO₂e39.7 %77.870 t CO₂e39.7 %
  • Scope 21.685 t CO₂e0.9 %1.523 t CO₂e0.8 %
  • Scope 3116.655 t CO₂e59.5 %116.655 t CO₂e59.5 %
  • Total196.210 t CO₂e100.0 %196.048 t CO₂e100.0 %
  • Scope 1+279.555 t CO₂e40.5 %79.393 t CO₂e40.5 %
  • Scope 1-3196.210 t CO₂e100.0 %196.048 t CO₂e100.0 %

Location-based emissions

Scope 1 39,7% Scope 3 59,5%

Market-based emissions

Scope 1 39,7% Scope 3 59,5%

Structure of emissions by Scopes


Division of emissions by gases

  • Gastt CO₂eShare
  • CO₂117.032117.03259.7 %
  • CH₄0.0431.2040.6 %
  • N₂O0.0000.0230.0 %
  • HFC0.00577.78839.7 %
CO₂ 59,7% HFC 39,7%

Emissions broken down by functional unit

  • Capital goods
  • Cooling and air conditioning
  • Electricity
  • Water and waste
  • Goods and services purchased
  • Other fuels
  • District heating
  • Transportation to company (upstream)
  • Transportation from company (downstream)
  • Natural gas
t CO₂e

Scope 3

  • Categoriest CO₂e
  • 3.1Purchased goods and services0,918
  • 3.2Investment equipment113,400
  • 3.3Energy and fuel losses0,589
  • 3.4Transport to the company0,008
  • 3.5Water and waste1,733
  • 3.6Business trips and accommodation0,000
  • 3.7Employee commuting0,000
  • 3.9Transport to the customer0,007

Categories 3.8, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14 a 3.15 are not included.

Energy consumption

  • Consumption of heat supplied
  • Purchased electricity from non-renewable sources
  • Self-generated electricity from renewable sources
  • Fuel consumption for other sources
  • Natural gas consumption
  • Consumption of heat supplied
  • Purchased electricity from non-renewable sources
  • Self-generated electricity from renewable sources
  • Other

Comparison of the total carbon footprint

The company's carbon footprint per year 2021 (in total 196,0 t CO₂e) is comparable, for example, to the footprint of some of the following activities:

  • year use of ? average cars
  • return flight ? from Prague to London
  • production and serving of ? portion of beef meat
  • production and use ? mobile phones iPhone 13
  • production of electricity for ? households in Czechia for 1 year

Selected emission intensity indicators

  • IndicatorScope 1 + 2Scope 1 - 3Units
  • Emissions per revenue80.122197.848t CO₂e / mil. CZK
  • Emise na xxxx26.46465.349t CO₂e / xxxx
  • Emise na asdasdas39.69798.024t CO₂e / asdasdas
  • Emise na asdasd26.46465.349t CO₂e / asdasd
  • Emissions per employee0.6621.634t CO₂e / FTE
  • Emissions per area3.4528.524t CO₂e / m²
  • Footprint per one employee1,64
  • Footprint per one million CZK of turnover198,01
  • Footprint per one square meter8,53

Selected additional indicators

40,8%59,2%59,2 %Proportion of calculated emissions arising outside of the compan
61,1%38,9%38,9 %Share of electricity sourced from renewable sources

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