Toto je DEMO verze, změný nebudou doopravdy uloženy.
Focus on transporting goods that are significant by weight or transport distance.From the entire transport chain, this includes transporting goods and services from the company to the point of sale to the end customer if they are provided (paid) on the customer's side. Alternatively, this includes transport to the place of consumption or use of the product.Estimate the transport to the customer according to the quantity sold and the customer's location. Estimate transport to the point of end-use based on the average commute to the point of purchase of the product by end customers.The inclusion of travel there (unloaded car) is optional.Example: If your customer picks up the goods by delivery and delivers 8 tons of goods to their company 350 km away for the whole year, then calculate the tkm for delivery = 8 x 350 = 2800 tkm.
This does not include transport to the customer provided by company vehicles or contracted by the firm from third parties.
Estimated transport to the customer and end consumer side. The unit is tonnes-kilometres, i.e. tonnes of goods transported over a distance of one kilometre.
In case you do not know the type of transport for a certain part of the transportation, please fill it in other means of transport.
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