Toto je DEMO verze, změný nebudou doopravdy uloženy.
Amount of electricity taken for operation (offices, warehouses, branches, etc.)
The quantity is outside the normal range. Please check units and periods.
Enter only the amount of electricity purchased and consumed from the supplier. Also, include the energy consumption that is billed to you for the common areas in the building according to your share of the floor space in the rented premises.
Invoice from the electricity supplier. The total amount of delivered electricity in MWh.
The company's total consumption for the year was 100 MWh of electricity. In addition, I have purchased green electricity certificates in the amount of 20 MWh. In the calculation, I include 80 MWh of electricity under the normal tariff (for which I know the fuel mix; coal plants 40%, gas plants 10%, nuclear plants 40%, renewable plants 10%).
If you consume green electricity that has a zero emission factor, enter "Green electricity tariff" under "Green electricity tariff".
Do not include electricity taken at charging stations for electric cars if you are able to list it separately in the question Company cars under their consumption. Do not include the electricity consumed from your own sources (photovoltaic panels) - enter this below.
The specified factor is outside the usual values, which are 0 - 1 t CO2e/MWh
Enter the emission factor of the electricity you buy from the supplier for the year of calculation. Report in t CO2e/MWh. If you don't know this figure, fill in the fuel mix composition below if you know it
It can be found on the invoice for the supplied electricity, if the supplier has this information and communicates it. Alternatively, you can ask your electricity supplier for this information.
Check if the sum is equal to 100%
State if you do not know the emission factor from the supplier. Enter in percentage and for the year of calculation.
It can be found on the invoice for the consumed electricity.
Indicate the amount of green electricity consumed. Green electricity has a zero emission factor and has certificates associated with it indicating its origin. Without valid certificates, the electricity cannot be considered "green".
Invoice for electricity consumed from the supplier and green electricity certificates.
Do not add the production of electricity from your own photovoltaic panels to the electricity consumption from the supplier.
Indicate the amount of electricity produced and consumed.
In one year, with an installed capacity of 10 kWp, 8 MWh of electricity was produced. Our company was only able to consume 7 MWh and 1 MWh of electricity was sold on the market. I will enter 7 MWh in the "Production" item and 1 MWh in the "Surplus" item.
If you are unable to separate Generation and Flow from Consumption, enter the consumption in the field Generation and zero flow in Network Flows.
Indicate the amount of electricity you have produced, supplied to the grid or sold.
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