Toto je DEMO verze, změný nebudou doopravdy uloženy.
- information from travel agency- internal expense reimbursement systems
This question mainly involves transporting company employees on business trips and back. If a certain number of client visits from abroad have taken place in a given year, turn those trips into the relevant categories, especially air travel.
Business trips completed by company cars will be reflected in the fuel consumption entered in the company car question, so do not quote their mileage here.
Total mileage by means of transport outside company cars.
Count the mileage, the number of passengers is not important.
Do you really travel this often/ far by train?
You fly a lot, are the values right?
Count the flight by private plane, though its footprint is much larger.
Remember, if multiple employees are flying together, the mileage counts for every one of them.
Add up the number of nights all staff spent in accommodation.
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