Toto je DEMO verze, změný nebudou doopravdy uloženy.
Indicate the natural gas consumption of the devices you own.
Quantity is outside the normal range. Please check the units.
Supply of natural gas for the year in MWh. The amount of natural gas consumed in m3 or GJ is also indicated on the invoice. Therefore, indicate the input value in the correct units.
Invoice from a natural gas supplier. You should have a conversion to consumption in kWh or MWh on the invoice in addition to the difference of stocks in cubic meters. If necessary, use the relation: 1 MWh = 1000 kWh.
Indicate only the amount of natural gas consumed, beware of double counting of the quantity due to break down for consumption and the capacity component of the price on the invoice. Consumed natural gas for heating in the boiler room on its own site (not a long-distance supply of heat) is also included.
Supply of heat or hot water from the central heat supply (CZT) or from a source near the consumption point.
The amount of heat purchased in MWh is also indicated on the invoice. Therefore, indicate the input value in the correct units.
Invoice from supplier of district heating.
Do not include Negotiated Quantity (stated in the GJsj or kWsj unit), which is the capacity component of the invoice. If the company owns the heat source directly, watch out for double counting here over heat consumption and in the other fuels over fuel consumption question. If you know the amount of fuel consumed, omit this question, which is intended for non-source diminutive heat energy customers.
Do not supply heat or hot water from equipment that you own. Emissions are already calculated from the fuel consumption of these facilities.
Other fuels consumed in a company's resources may be solid, liquid or gaseous fuels that are not sourced by the system from the supplier.
This includes consumed fuels in stationary sources such as an aggregate (petrol, diesel, heating oil) or a gas bottle (propane).
Do not include energy source consumption in your own boiler room if it is taken from the system and is already counted in one of the previous questions (electricity, gas). Also, do not include fuel consumption here for the car fleet, which is demanded in the following question Company cars.
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