Toto je DEMO verze, změný nebudou doopravdy uloženy.
Total number of vehicles (both cars and handling equipment) owned or used by the company at the end of the period. Please indicate whether there were any new purchases during the period.
This includes a company-owned cars as well as a leased ones. State of the fleet for the end of the year, i.e. including vehicles purchased during the year.
The number of newly acquired cars in a given year. Include cars running on petrol, diesel, LPG, CNG under the internal combustion engine. Hybrid cars include a mild hybrid, full hybrid and plug-in hybrid drive. Only include fully electric cars (not plug-in hybrids) on the battery under the electric motor.
Choose whether you know the exact fuel consumption or know the amount of fuel reimbursed, or whether you do not know this information about the cars you operate.
Quantity is outside the normal range. Please check the units.
If you know the fuel consumption for the year, please indicate these amounts for each fuel category. These are only vehicles that are owned or leased by the company.
Fuel consumption in private vehicles is not included, even if they are used for official purposes.
If it is not possible to trace or calculate fuel consumption for some journeys or cars via a ramp, enter the paid amount for fuels in CZK.
This does not include private cars used for official purposes, but only company cars.
Do not fill in the amount paid if you know it, but you have already entered the amount of fuel in fuel consumption.
If you are unable to find data on the fuel consumption of company cars, but they were still used, the average consumption of cars for the whole calendar year will be used in the calculation.
Most cars built after 2014 already have a new air conditioning coolant of 1234yf, exemptions to use the old cheaper refrigerant R134a were given until the end of 2016.
These are replenished automotive refrigerants.
Report only the refrigerants added, not the total volume.
Do not introduce refrigerants added to stationary air conditioning systems.
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